Introducing the first Crossworlds character!

Crossworlds Official
2 min readJun 10, 2022


Hello friends!

We are very happy to introduce you to one of our first heroes — Lian Haraji!

in this short sneak-preview we will tell a little bit of her story so you can get to know Lian more closely.

Their whaleboat was cruising through the midnight water, surrounded in thick white clots of fog that reminded Lian of soft patches of cotton wool that she saw one noble stuffing his pillow with on the local fair. Her companions were seasoned and hard men — whalers. Their particular crew consisted of the best and most skillful men from all of the surrounding areas and this ensured that they never went hungry or wanting

The fog this season was especially unusual, but recently everything made less and less sense. The waves reassured LIan and gave her a nice tune to remember the words of her beloved teacher. The man who taught her everything. And old warrior who became a whaler who had the most unusual helper — a little girl whom he took with him on his nightly whale-runs.

Even though Master Jeardy became somewhat of a drunkard in his later years, his words of wisdom sounded very clear in Lians head.

-That will be a whole new world, I’m friggin’ tellin’ ya. If ya aint’ gettn’ wind of what’s above and below ya, like ’em, left and right, you aint’ getting it either. — said Jeardy.

-Alls of these things is more complex and ground can go up an down and then suddenly POW you are miiiiles away the from where’ve ya been, I’m tellin ya. Stones flying mad like islands, giant waves frozen but purling nor willing to shatter upon villages. So they live there seeing the future not knowing when it will come. Will it? To get something you need to seek a balance, at least a balance between one of the two sides, then ya get better.

“Im searching for balance and my place in it, as most of us are, Master Jeardy. Above as below, above as below…” — It is with these thoughts Lian enter what would be one of the last times she had the luxury and freedom of being on a whaleboat and doing what she liked best. With sunset, all of that would only be a vague memory in light of events that occurred…

Lian is one of the characters coming in the first series! All our heroes will be available as NFTs with all the perks attributed to it.

More epic characters Of Crossworlds will be added later on so stay tuned!

Crossworlds team


